It’s Time to Lock Down Orders!

Posted on December 11, 2018 7:52 pm

This is it, folks – things are starting to get serious.

Indivisible is rapidly approaching Alpha development status – that means the game is more or less playable from beginning to end, albeit with some bugs and placeholder.

With the game’s release in sight, it’s time to start wrapping things up and lock down orders.

You have until January 15th, 2019 to respond to your survey, change your address, or change your desired game platform.

I repeat…

You have until January 15th, 2019 to respond to your survey, change your address, or change your desired game platform.

While we will always try to accommodate, we can make no guarantees that changes will be accepted after this date, as we need to begin setting up manufacturing and distribution on two continents.

To change or verify your shipping address or platform, please contact BackerKit customer service here:

Address changes made through Indiegogo will not be accepted.


Also of note, we still have roughly 2500 unanswered surveys.

If you supported the game and have not received any e-mails or surveys from Indiegogo or BackerKit in the last three years, please contact indiegogo (at) labzerogames (dot) com IMMEDIATELY so we can track down your order.

All unanswered surveys will be defaulted to Steam codes, the DRM-free PC physical version of the game, and L T-shirt sizes, and shipped to whatever address we currently have on-hand.

We’re extremely grateful for your contributions and want you to get your stuff, but if you don’t have any way of being reached there’s only so much we can do.

Thanks for your attention to this matter – we’re excited to get the game and goodies in your hands, and this is the first step to making that a reality!


If you need to update your BackerKit order, such as changing your game’s platform or your shipping address, please contact BackerKit Customer Support.

If you have questions unrelated to updating your order, you can contact us at indiegogo (at) labzerogames (dot) com.

Follow us on Twitter (@IndivisibleRPG), Facebook or Steam for the latest news!