Naga Rider

The hero of Tai Krung City, defender of the dharma, protector of the people: he is Naga Rider!

As the last of the Vahana Riders, Naga Rider fights for justice against the rising crimes and corruption that have ravaged the city of Tai Krung.

With his formidable Iddhi, Naga Rider is able to make thoughtform armor and a psychic “legless mount,” which he uses to cruise the streets of Tai Krung in search of dangers to quell and lives to save.

The true threat comes from Mara, the drug kingpin who runs the city from his towering den, surrounded by his army of hired goons. Soaring above the rest is Garuda Cruel, a former comrade of Naga Rider’s, who has corrupted his own form in his quest for power and currently serves as Mara’s top bodyguard.

Naga Rider has been riding this path of justice alone, but will have to learn how to be part of a team again if he’s going to save Tai Krung.